Video Review: Maple Bacon Restaurant – Best Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner in Plano TX #bestbreakfasts
Maple Bacon Video Review: We are hard to please, but we can’t keep talking about a #MapleBacon Restaurant in #Plano, Texas. If you are hungry, consider ordering from one of best restaurants for Breakfast – Lunch – and Dinner in Dallas – Fort Worth. …
We’ll let you decide after you try the Canadian-inspired (with a Southern take) Maple Bacon Restaurant at 6009 West Parker Road at the tollway in West Plano TX. Food delivery services available so use your apps. What’s your favorite at Maple Bacon Restaurant?
Now, if you are hungry, what’s the name of the breakfast – lunch – and dinner restaurant everyone is talking about in Plano on the tollway at Parker Road?
6009 West Parker Road Plano TX
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