
October 29, 2024 0 Comments

McKinney, Texas voters consider four propositions on Nov. 5 – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth


Early Voting — What to Know

Voters in McKinney are considering four amendments to the city charter, including adjusting compensation for the mayor and city council members and extending term limits. The city also asks voters to approve editing the charter for grammar and misspellings and removing outdated policies and procedures.

The propositions can be read below. Voters will consider the following propositions and be asked whether they are “for” or “against” each.

PROPOSITION A — Term limit extensions
Members of the McKinney City Council are currently limited to serving two consecutive four-year terms. Proposition A, if passed, would allow three consecutive four-year terms, beginning with the election in May 2025.

Shall Section 9 of the McKinney City Charter be amended to read as follows: “Sec. 9. Council election. – There shall be held in the City of McKinney on the uniform election date in May 2025, and every four (4) years thereafter, or on such date or dates as may be prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas, a City election for a Mayor, a Council Member-at-large 1, a Council Member representing District 1, and a Council Member representing District 3. There shall be held in the City of McKinney on the uniform election date in May 2027, and every four ( 4) years thereafter, or on such other date or dates as may be prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas, a City election for a Council Member-at-large 2, a Council Member representing District 2, and a Council Member representing District 4. Each person duly elected to the position of Mayor or Council Member shall perform the duties and discharge the obligations conferred and imposed upon them, respectively, by the law, this Charter and by the City Ordinances of McKinney and shall hold their office for a period of four (4) years and until their successors are elected and qualified. Beginning with the 2025 election, and every election thereafter, the Mayor shall be allowed to hold his/her seat for a limit of three (3) consecutive, full four-year terms, including three (3) terms consisting of a currently-held four-year term. Beginning with the 2025 election, and every election thereafter, each person duly elected to the position of Council Member shall be allowed to hold any at-large seat, including consecutive terms in separate district or at-large seats, for a limit of three ( 3) consecutive, full four-year terms, including three (3) terms consisting of a currently-held four-year term. Beginning with the 2025 election, and every election thereafter, each person duly elected to the position of Council Member shall be allowed to hold any district seat, including consecutive terms in separate district or at-large seats, for a limit of three (3) consecutive, full four-year terms, including three (3) terms consisting of a currently-held four-year term. After serving three (3) consecutive terms in an at-large or district seat(s), an at-large member shall not be eligible to serve in a district or at-large seat until the passage of one (1) year from the end of such three (3) consecutive terms; however, such member may serve as Mayor. After serving three (3) consecutive terms in an at-large or a district seat(s), a district member shall not be eligible to serve in an at-large or district seat, until the passage of one (1) year from the end of such three (3) consecutive terms; however, such member may serve as Mayor?”

PROPOSITION B –City Council compensation
In Proposition B, voters are being asked to increase the compensation given to members of the City Council. They are each paid $50 per meeting, with the mayor receiving an extra $100 monthly. If approved, starting on Oct. 1, 2025, council members would be paid $750 per month, and the mayor would receive $1,000 per month. Two years later, the compensation would be adjusted annually by the same percentage change in the CPI for DFW.

Shall Section 16 of the McKinney City Charter be amended to read as follows: “Sec. 16. – Council Compensation. Beginning October 1, 2025 for any newly-elected Council Member or a newly-elected Mayor, each member of the City Council, exclusive of the Mayor, shall receive the sum of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) per month as compensation for the performance of their official duties. The Mayor shall receive the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per month as compensation for the performance of his/her official duties. On October 1, 2027 and annually thereafter on the same date, the compensation shall be adjusted by an amount equal to the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index, Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) over the prior , one year period. In the event that the Mayor Pro Tem serves as Mayor for more than thirty (30) consecutive days, the Mayor's compensation shall be awarded to the Mayor Pro Tem. In addition, all current reimbursable expenses, including eligible expenses allowed by State law, incurred by all members of the City Council in the performance of their official duties shall be paid by the City.”?

PROPOSITION C — Charter edits
Shall the McKinney City Charter be amended throughout to correct non-substantive errors such as misspellings, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure; in accordance with notice and publication requirements to state law; harmonize conflicting sections; and revise references to repealed or obsolete provisions of state law?

PROPOSITION D — Outdated practices removed
Shall the McKinney City Charter be amended to delete provisions, practices and policies which are no longer employed by the City of McKinney?

Read more about McKinney's Special Charter Amendment Election here.


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